Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Miracel Of Smile

When you smile ... .. What do you feel? feel happy, enjoy and fun?
Yes, that's when we're smiling. The eyes will be shining, the liver became more cheerful, and your face became more glowing. Anyway better. Then with a smile, though without any cosmetic attached in advance, you will look prettier or more handsome. Beside that, the smile had the strength of "Miracle" you know. Not believe it? Try ... With a smile, will make the people around us also can come to feel happier and more pleased. Great and wonderful is not it???.

Illustration of Time Management

One day, an expert on 'Time Management' to speak in front of a group of business students, and he used an illustration which will not easily be forgotten by his students.
When he stood in front of her students who spend a large-mouthed jar is quite big, and put it on the table.
Then he also spent about a dozen handfuls of hand-sized rocks and carefully placed the stones into the jar.
When the stone meet the jar to the top and no more stones which fit to enter into it, he asked: " Is this jar full? " All students simultaneously replied, "It!"

Friday, February 4, 2011

10 foods good for brain health

You want to keep your memory? make sure the food below your choice 

10. Clam / oyster  

Research has shown that oysters are very beneficial for the brain. Oysters are rich in minerals zinc and iron, which is helpful to keep the mind sharp and improve the ability to remember information with ease. Zinc and iron have been associated with the brain's ability to stay focused and remember information. Lack of zinc and iron can lead to memory disorders, and poor concentration 

9. Whole Grains / Cereals

such as brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread, wheat, etc.. Food is working to increase blood flow to the brain, which means very supportive of quality and quantity of brain function. These grains contain many vitamins B6, filled with thiamine. Thiamin is great for anyone who seeks to improve memory. Scientific research has shown that memory loss increases dramatically when reached late 60's or early 70's, eat whole grains are excellent for those who are old 

Brain Exercise

Brain Exercise
The human brain has the function as the coordinator of the movement of the body, the brain is like a very complex machine. It is said that the more complex a person's brain, the more intelligent person. Broadly speaking, the brain is divided into two; right brain functions to manage parts of the body to the left and the left brain that regulates body parts to the right.
In principle, the brain is divided into sections called lobes, each of which has a specific function. Frontal lobes regulate the movement, intelligence, thinking skills, as well as memory and personality. Lobe pariental regulate intelligence, ability to think, to distinguish left and right, language skills, sensation, and the ability to read. While the vision was coordinated by the occipital lobe.